Water-For-Vets Water For Those Who Served® exists to help change the lives of men
and women that come home after defending our safety and our freedom, yet for some
reason cannot find a job, and without help or support some of them wind up living
on the streets, thus becoming our homeless veterans! Our veterans have served our
country proudly; they deserve our help to a problem that we at Water-For-Vets® feel
we can help.
Our goal is to help veterans past present and future find and maintain meaningful
careers to support themselves and their families by becoming independent beverage
distributors for a product that will be distributed by veterans, veteran family members,
private and charitable organizations that support veterans. Thus ensuring that with
every drop of the Water-For-Vets™ H2O that you drink, you are directly supporting
a veteran and his or her family.
At Water-For-Vets® we feel that it’s our duty to give every veteran the resources
they need to come home knowing that they could have and or own their very own business.
Water-For-Vets® is dedicated to creating a career/business opportunities for veterans,
military service members, veterans, and their family as a way to say thank you for
having made a tremendous sacrifice for our country. Our concept is modeled, as a
process that we feel will help decrease the unemployment rate of the men and women
who served this countries military service, as well as provide the means for a veteran
support his/her family when deployed. With our vision if a veteran is distributor
and is deployed his/her family can maintain the distribution while the veteran is
away protecting our freedom and the American way of life.
As the U.S. military continues to disengage from Iraq and Afghanistan, more than
one million soldiers are expected to leave the military between 2011 and 2016. According
to the White House, as of June 2011, one million veterans were unemployed with a
jobless rate of about 13 percent for post-9/11 veterans. The US Department of Labor
estimates that the military discharges approximately 270,000 Active Service Members,
Reserve and National Guard members annually. Statistically, over 30,000 of those
veterans will join the ranks of nearly one million veterans already unemployed. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/vet.nr0.htm
Water-For-Vets™ believes a solution to the problem is to help our returning service
members find rewarding careers and or attain employment opportunities to meet the
needs of veterans. Water-For-Vets™ is dedicated and committed towards assisting
Americas deserving veterans. Water-For-Vets™ will be able to assist by providing
military veterans a realistic opportunity for a career.
Our research has shown that Water-For-Vets™ will succeed, Americans love and will
support its veterans distributing the Water-For-Vets™. With water being a product
that consumers purchase and drink every day, Water-For-Vets™ can be the water of
choice for those that support the America Troops and veterans. In addition our research
shows that family and friends will order the water to support other family members
in the U.S. Military.
We also feel that Water-For-Vets supports the Presidents commitment to hire Veterans.
We don't just want to hire them we want to make them business owners. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/08/05/fact-sheet-president-obama-s-commitment-employing-america-s-veterans
"Let's Move To Support Our Veterans™ "
Water-For-Vets ™ Philanthropic Charitable Support: Water-For Vets® is a for profit
business, our goal is to help and support our service members and their families,
past, present and future. As such portion of the Water-For-Vets™ corporate proceed
will be donated to help provide direct and indirect financial charitable support
through numerous organizations and activities that supports our service members and
their families in times of need.